The purchase fits into the council’s One Planet Cardiff plan, aimed at driving the Welsh capital towards becoming a carbon neutral city by 2030. Cardiff...
Sunderland’s Executive Director of Neighbourhoods Fiona Brown said residents will be able to see how front-line services are becoming carbon neutral...
The vehicle is initially operating from Powys County Council’s Brecon depot in the south of the county. But it will, in the future, be operating from...
Terberg Special Vehicles Terberg Exploitatie Maatschappij (the property company of the Royal Terberg Group) has commissioned the construction of a...
As the eCollect goes into service around the country, Dennis Eagle is opening up its electric vehicle workshop safety standards for the waste and recycling...
Fltr: Gerrit van Baaren (Service Coordinator VTM), Gerrit Flier (Legal/Tax Advisor VTM), Evert Stigter (Managing Director VTM), Godfried Terberg (on...
Fltr: Gerrit van Baaren (Service Coordinator VTM), Gerrit Flier (Legal/Tax Advisor VTM), Evert Stigter (Managing Director VTM), Godfried Terberg (on...
Terberg RosRoca Group are pleased to announce the launch of their very first mobile app. The Terberg Product Finder app is now available on Google...